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Lawyers are the foot soldiers of our Constitution - by Rennard Strickland & Frank T. Read

Joining IPR Training Provided by EuroCham

February 08, 2018

Team, Mr. YOENG Samdy, Senior Legal Advisor and Mr. PHAN Rath, Legal Advisor of The FLAG have engaged with EuroCham Intellectual Property Rights 2018 at Raffles Le Royal Phnom Penh, dated 08th February 2018. IP Law and regulation is very vital to prevent the business owner and consumers, but for fighting against harmful products causing high risk to health and social safety due to speaking of Lieutenant General Sophana Meach, Undersecretary of State and President of the Cambodia Counter Counterfeit Committee. He also added that the challenges of

counterfeit for all import products to the consumers in Cambodia such as population and economic is increasing in the world, crime is very increase due to the copy rights and trade import, the regulation of law is very low of punishment. So, we cannot prevent the crime in the market and the authority works at the checkpoint every day and see many issues at the border (containers, and shipping).

In accordance with the forum, the product’s contributors, the legal experts, and trade mark agents suggested to the consumers in order to avoid risk and crimes related to counterfeit products, we shall be aware of law and regulation and all products shall legal import with legal registration and recognition from relevant authorities in Cambodia. In addition, all contributor of the products shall work to get the legal consultation with legal experts for prevention its consumers accordingly. Actually, the Forum on Eurocham IPR is not only for the public awareness to all legal experts, but also for analysis on the weakness and challenges issues for Cambodia government to seeking for next legal solution the to the challenges issues related to counterfeit of products in Cambodia.

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